
标题: 计算机编程成为美国中小学热门课 [打印本页]

作者: 小小熊    时间: 2015-1-2 16:34
标题: 计算机编程成为美国中小学热门课
MILL VALLEY, Calif. — Seven-year-old Jordan Lisle, asecond grader, joined his family at a packed after-hours school event last month aimed at inspiring anew interest: computer programming.

加州米尔谷——上个月,7岁的小学二年级学生乔丹·莱尔(Jordan Lisle)和家人参加了一场人满为患的课外活动,活动旨在为学生培养一个新爱好:计算机编程。

“I’m a little afraid he’s falling behind,” his mother, Wendy Lisle, said, explaining why they hadsigned up for the class at Strawberry Point Elementary School.

“我有点担心他会落在别人后面,”他的母亲温迪·莱尔(Wendy Lisle)说,这是他们报名参加斯特罗伯里波因特小学(Strawberry Point Elementary School)这个辅导班的原因。
The event was part of a national educational movement in computer coding instruction that isgrowing at Internet speeds. Since December, 20,000 teachers from kindergarten through 12thgrade have introduced coding lessons, according to Code.org, a group backed by the techindustry that offers free curriculums. In addition, some 30 school districts have agreed to addcoding classes in the fall, mainly in high schools but in lower grades, too. And policy makers innine states have begun awarding the same credits for computer science classes that they do forbasic math and science courses, rather than treating them as electives.
There are after-school events, too, like the one in Mill Valley, where 70 parents and 90 children,from kindergartners to fifth graders, huddled over computers solving animated puzzles tolearn the basics of computer logic.
It is a stark change for computer science, which for decades was treated like a stepchild,equated with trade classes like wood shop. But smartphones and apps are ubiquitous now,and engineering careers are hot. To many parents — particularly ones here in the heart of thetechnology corridor — coding looks less like an extracurricular activity and more like a basiclife skill, one that might someday lead to a great job or even instant riches.
The spread of coding instruction, while still nascent, is “unprecedented — there’s neverbeen a move this fast in education,” said Elliot Soloway, a professor of education and computerscience at the University of Michigan. He sees it as very positive, potentially inspiring studentsto develop a new passion, perhaps the way that teaching frog dissection may inspire futuresurgeons and biologists.
编程教学的普及虽然刚刚开始,却呈现出“前所未有之势——教育领域从未有过如此迅速的行动”,密歇根大学(University of Michigan)教育和计算机科学教授埃利奥特·索洛韦(Elliot Soloway)说。他认为这是一个非常积极的现象,可能会激发学生们培养新的爱好,或许就像学习青蛙解剖可能会让更多孩子立志成为外科医生和生物学家那样。
But the momentum for early coding comes with caveats, too. It is not clear that teaching basiccomputer science in grade school will beget future jobs or foster broader creativity andlogical thinking, as some champions of the movement are projecting. And particularly foryounger children, Dr. Soloway said, the activity is more like a video game — better thansimulated gunplay, but not likely to impart actual programming skills.
Some educators worry about the industry’s heavy role: Major tech companies and theirfounders, including Bill Gates and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, have put up about $10 millionfor Code.org. The organization pays to train high school teachers to offer more advancedcurriculums, and, for younger students, it has developed a coding curriculum that marriesbasic instruction with video games involving Angry Birds and hungry zombies.
一些教育专家对这个行业的大举投入表示担忧:一些大型科技公司及其创始人,包括比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)和Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckberg),已经为Code.org投资了大约1000万美元(约合6255万人民币)。Code.org提供资金培训高中老师,让他们能够讲授更高级的课程,此外,对于年龄更小的学生,该组织还开发了一套专门的编程课程,把基本的教学内容融入到了《愤怒的小鸟》和《植物大战僵尸》等视频游戏中。
The lessons do not involve traditional computer language. Rather, they use simple wordcommands — like “move forward” or “turn right” — that children can click on and move aroundto, say, direct an Angry Bird to capture a pig.
The movement comes with no shortage of “we’re changing the world” marketing fervor fromSilicon Valley. “This is strategically significant for the economy of the United States,” said JohnPearce, a technology entrepreneur. He and another entrepreneur, Jeff Leane, have started anonprofit, MV Gate, to bring youth and family coding courses developed by Code.org to MillValley, an affluent suburb across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco.
这项活动并不缺少硅谷的那种“我们正在改变世界”的营销狂热。科技创业者约翰·皮尔斯(John Pearce)说,这对美国的经济具有战略意义。他和另外一名创业者杰夫·利恩(Jeff Leane)创办了非盈利组织MV Gate,把Code.org开发的适用于小学生和家庭的编程课程带给米尔谷。米尔谷是一个富裕的郊区,与旧金山之间隔着金门大桥。
Parents love the idea of giving children something to do with computers that they see asproductive, Mr. Pearce said. “We have any number of parents who say, ‘I can’t take my kidplaying one more hour of video games,’ ” he said. But if the children are exploring coding, theparents tell him, “ ‘I can live with that all night long.’ ”
The concept has caught on with James Meezan, a second grader. He attended one of the first“Hour of Code” events sponsored by MV Gate in December with his mother, Karen Meezan, thelocal PTA president and a former tech-industry executive who now runs a real estate company.She is among the enthusiastic supporters of the coding courses, along with several localprincipals.
这个想法吸引了二年级学生詹姆斯·米赞(James Meezan)。他和妈妈参加了12月份由MV Gate支持的“代码时刻”(Hour of Code)活动。他的妈妈凯伦·米赞是当地家长教师联谊会(PTA)主席、前科技行业高管,目前经营着一家房地产公司。她和几名当地校长都非常支持编程课程。
Her son, she said, does well in school but had not quite found his special interest and was “notthe fastest runner on the playground.” But he loves programming and spends at least an houra week at CodeKids, after-school programs organized by MV Gate and held at three of MillValley’s five elementary schools.
她说,她的儿子在学校表现很好,但是没有找到自己特别的兴趣,也“不是操场上跑的最快的那个”。但他喜欢编程,每周至少花一小时参加MV Gate组织的课后项目CodeKids。该项目已经在米尔谷的五所小学开展。
James, 8, explained that programming is “getting the computer to do something by itself.” It isfun, he said, and, besides, if he gets good, he might be able to do stuff like get a computer toturn on when it has suddenly died. His mother said he had found his niche; when it comes toprogramming, “he is the fastest runner.”
Well into the session, the youngsters were digging in, moving basic command blocks to getthe Angry Bird to its prey, and then playing with slightly more complex commands like“repeat” and learning about “if-then” statements, an elemental coding concept.
The use of these word-command blocks to simplify coding logic stems largely from the workof the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, which introduced a visual programminglanguage called Scratch in 2007. It claims a following of millions of users, but mostly outside theschools.
使用这些文字命令块来简化编程的逻辑,这很大程度上源于麻省理工学院媒体实验室(MassachusettsInstitute of Technology Media Lab)的研究成果。这个实验室2007年引入了视觉编程语言Scratch。该机构声称,这种编程语言已经有数百万用户,但大多数都是学校以外的用户。
Then, in 2013, came Code.org, which borrowed basic Scratch ideas and aimed to spread theconcept among schools and policy makers. Computer programming should be taught in everyschool, said Hadi Partovi, the founder of Code.org and a former executive at Microsoft. Hecalled it as essential as “learning about gravity or molecules, electricity or photosynthesis.”
后来,2013年出现了Code.org,它借鉴了Scratch的基本想法,旨在向学校和决策者传播这个概念。Code.org创始人、前微软高管哈迪·帕尔托维(Hadi Partovi)说,每个学校都应该教授编程。他说编程非常必要,就像“学习重力或分子,电学和光合作用”一样。
Among the 20,000 teachers who Code.org says have signed on is Alana Aaron, a fifth-grademath and science teacher in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan. She heardabout the idea late last year at a professional development meeting and, with her principal’spermission, swapped a two-month earth sciences lesson she was going to teach on landmasses for the Code.org curriculum.
Code.org称,已有2万名老师注册该项目。曼哈顿华盛顿高地社区五年级的数学和自然科学老师阿兰娜·亚伦(Alana Aaron)是其中之一。她去年在一个职业发展会议上听说了这个项目,在获得了校长同意之后,她放弃了原本打算教授的长达两个月的关于陆地的地球科学课程,将其换成了Code.org的课程。
“Computer science is big right now — in our country, the world,” she said. “If my kids aren’texposed to things like that, they could miss out on potential opportunities and careers.”

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