
标题: 新课标八年级上英语1-5单元半期复习重点 [打印本页]

作者: 周琳老师    时间: 2013-10-26 19:43
标题: 新课标八年级上英语1-5单元半期复习重点
1-3课重点,请大家复习词汇短语和句型。下周听写。 外国语学校同学学习这些知识点只是一个时间先后顺序,应该难度更小。下周放4-5单元。 赵皓天同学今天主动来问半期如何复习,建议如下:
1 先背熟每单元单词和重点句型
2 复习学校里课堂语法词汇笔记  
3 每次学校月考卷错题看懂
4 至少过一遍我发的重点和每周作业错题(尤其15道语法选择)  还有我们做的两套题看看错题 特别是排序 搞懂逻辑

Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?
anyone, anywhere, something, nothing,everyone, someone, wonderful, most, myself, yourself, hen, pig, seem, bored,few, diary, activity, decide, try, bird, bicycle, building, trader, wonder,different, top, wait, umbrella, wet, below, enough, hungry, as, duck, dislike,hill
quite a few, of course, feel like, becauseof, go on vacation, visit museums, go to summer camp, go to the beach, anywhereinteresting, go out with sb, study for tests, stay at home, go shopping, seemto be, decide to do sth, ride bicycles, enough money, the top of the hill

1.      Where did you go on vacation?
I went to New York City.
2.      Did you go out with anyone?
3.      How was the food?
Everything tasted really good.
4.      Still no one seemed to bebored.
5.      And because of the bad weather,we couldn’t see anything below.

一般过去时态 (见L67,L 71 笔记,不规则动词变位表见L88,L90)

nothing, nobody, no one, everything,everyone, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something
1.      body/one指人,thing指物
2.      都是单数意,谓语也单数:Nothing is difficulty. Something is wrong with my car.
3.      定语必须后置:Can you tell me something interesting?
4.      some-用在肯定句和邀请含义问句,any-用于否定和疑问句,以及任何人,任何事含义的肯定句。
He found something strange.
Would you like something to eat?
Is there anyone?
Anything is ok.
5.      somewhere, anywhere,everywhere, nowhere定语后置: anywhere interesting
6.      no one/nobody 只能指人,不和of连用。none 可指人、物,与of连用。

None of these questions is easy, and none of us can answeranyone of them.

7.      回答who特殊疑问句用no one回答how many特殊疑问句用none
Who was late?
No one.
How many pigs do you keep?

few, a few, little, a little
1.      few, a few 修饰可数名词复数,little,a little 修饰不可数名词
We had little time to do it.
There is only a little soup left.
He has few friends.
2.      a little 可做副词修饰adj,adv, v,
He is a little tired.
You should walk a little faster.
She is only a little over fifty years old.
3.      little和 few 是否定意,表示数量很少或几乎没有;a little 和a few是肯定意,表一些。
Few people like it.
A few people like it.
He knows little English.
He knows a little English

1.      ed表被动,ing表主动
interesting, interested
relaxed, relaxing
excited, exciting
surprised, surprising
2.      很多动词过去分词演变成形容词
break-broken relax-relaxed worry-worried close-closed

because&because of
because跟从句,because 跟名词或名词短语
He stayed in hospital because he is ill.
He stayed in hospital because of hisillness.

1.      主语+ seem+ to be+ 表语(名词、形容词)
Tom seems to be a very clever boy.
Mr. Blake seemed to be quite happy.
2.      主语+seem + 不定式
Mrs. Green doesn’t seem to like the idea.

或Mrs. Greenseems not to like the idea.

The young man seemed to have changed much.
3.      It seems that从句
It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park.
Children seemed _____ eating something inthe room.
A.     that B. to  C. to be D./


Unit2 How often do you exercise?
housework, hardly, ever, once, twice, full,Internet, program, swing, maybe, least, junk, coffee, percent, online, health,television, although, through, mind, body, such, together, die, writer,dentist, less, none, magazine, however, than, almost, point, result
how often, hardly ever, at least, swingdance, junk food, how many, such as, less than, watch TV, use the Internet, alot of good habits, go to the dentist
1.      What do you usually do onweekends?
I always exercise.
2.      They often help with housework.
3.      How often does he watch TV?
He hardly ever watches TV.
4.      Forty-five percent exercisefour to six times a week.
5.      She says it’s good for myhealth.
6.      Although many students like towatch sports, game shows are the most popular.

1.      always, usually, often,sometimes, hardly, never
She always goes shopping.
2.      once, twice,…+times
I visit my grandmother four times a year.

howoften, how long, how far, how soon
how often: 频率
How often does he dance?
how long:动作持续时间和物体长度
How long are you going to stay here?
how far:距离
how soon:多久以后
How soon will your father come back?
In five days.

begood at:
Lucy is good at drawing.
be good for:
Eating more fruit is good for your health.
be good to
She is good to us.
be bad for/to

Itis adj (for sb/sth) to do
It is good for our health to eat morefruit.

go dancing, go hiking, go camping, gofishing, go swimming, go sightseeing

1.      help sb(to) do sth
2.      help oneself to sth
3.      can’t help doing sth
4.      help sb in doing sth
5.      help sb with sth
I know good food and exercise can help ___better.
A.     studying  B. to studying  C. me to study  D. to my study

want,allow, ask, encourage, expect, invite, like, order, prefer, teach, wish sb(not) to do

although/though和but 不连用
They are still working although they aretired.
They are tired but they are still working.
I got up very early, ______ I didn’t catchthe early bus.
A.     and B. but  C. so D. although

Unit 3 I'm more outgoing thanmy sister
outgoing,better, loudly, quietly, hardworking competition, fantastic, which, clearly,win, talented, truly, care, serious, mirror, kid, necessary, both, though,grade, should, saying ,reach, hand, touch, heart, fact, break, arm, laugh,share, loud, similar, primary, information
whichone, care about, primary school, as long as, the same as, bring out, in fact,make an laugh, be similar to, have fun, get better grades, share everything
1 IsTom smarter than Sam?
  No, he isn't.
2Are you as friendly as your sister?
3For me, a good friend likes to do the same thing as me.
4 Ithink a good friend makes me laugh.
比较级最高级(L107 )
1.      表示两个人或两个物,表示”两者都”, 要和复数名词搭配,动词也要用复数

There are some trees on bothsides of the street.

例外:both ...and...与单数名词搭配,动词复数

Both Tom and his mother are inthe shop now.

2.      Both of + 复数名词,动词也用复数
Both of us are tall.
3.      Both做同位语,位置在be动词,助动词, 情态动词后,行为动词前,
They are both students.
The can both do this.

My parents _____ at home onweekends.

A.    are all  B. are both   C all are D. both are  
1 作表语
Themost important thing is to learn something new.
Hiswish is to become a teacher.
2 做主语 或用it 做形式主语
Totell the truth is hard.
Itis hard to tell the truth.
Themost important thing for one's health is ________more fruit.
Ahas B to have C to having D have
Have fun ( in) doing sth
Havea good time
Allthe children had fun______in the park yesterday.
Aplay B played C to play D playing
see,hear, let, have, make sb do sth
Do you hear him go out?
I saw him play basketball.
Colors can change our moods and make us____ happy or sad.
A.     feel B. to feel C. felt D.feeling

1.      that引导
1)  that可省略
The boy believes he will go to school one day.
2) 主句谓语动词是think,believe, suppose, expect等,从句是否定含义时,常把否定转移到主句。
  Idon’t think that it is right for him to treat like that.
3) 从句是间接引语时,时态要与主句一致(客观真理的时态不变)
  Hesaid that he just returned from school.
He believed that the sun rises in the east.
2.      When, why, how, where, whether 等连接副词引导的宾语从句,使用陈述语气(谓语动词在主语之后)  
Can you tell mewho you are waiting for?
None of us knowswhere these new parts can be bought.

-Leo, could youtell me _____?
-I heard theywere very mad at you.
A. why theydecided to do so
B where havethey gone
C What trouble did they meet  

Do you know_____ Zunyi or not tomorrow?
A.     whether are they leaving for
B.     whether they are leaving for
C.     if are they leaving for

win a match/game (win 不跟人)
beat sb/a team(不跟比赛)

like& as
1.      like做介词时,后多跟名词代词。
My sister isn’t much like me.

as 做连词时,后多跟句子

All the six students do as the teacher says.
The work is not as easy as you think.
2.      as 作介词“作为”
比较 He works as ateacher.
     He works like a teacher.

作者: 周琳老师    时间: 2013-11-1 23:54
Unit 4
close, ticket, comfortable, seat, screen, theater, song, cheaply, worse, meal, choose, carefully, act, reporter, fresh, service, pretty, menu, creative, talent, common, performer, beautifully, role, winner, prize, everybody, example, poor, seriously, give, crowded, magician
so far, have…in common, all kinds of, be up to, play a role, make up, for example, take…seriously, comfortable seats, close to home, big screens, radio station, talented dancers, get a very good prize
1. What’s the best movie theater to go to?
2. It has worst music.
3. What do you think of 970 AM?
4. That’s up to you to decide.
5. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up.

1.        使用: 三者或者三者以上进行比较, 其中一个在某一方面超过其他,用最高级
2.        特点:形容词最高级前一定要加the,后面经常带有in或of的介词短语说明比较的范围
如: one of the 最高级+复数

Who gets up ____ of you all in the dorm, Tony?
Jimmy does.
A.        early  B. earlier  C earliest
Please don’t get close ______the running train, or you’ll be in danger.
A.        from  B to  C after  D with

1.        He is taller than any student in the class.
He is taller than any other student in the class.
He is taller than any of the other students in the class.
2. His clothes are more expensive than Lily.
   ……than Lily’s
3.        The horse runs more faster than one.
….much faster….
不能使用very, more, quite等修饰比较级,常用still, even, much, far, a lot, a little, a great deal, rather
Lucy does homework____ than Tim.
A.        carefully  B. more careful  C more carefully

How do sb like=What do sb think of
think over 仔细考虑
think of 记得,想出,想起
think about 考虑,关心
I am thinking about buying a car.
Think it over. You’ll find a way.  
_____do you think of the film?
A.        What B Who C How

be up to 由。。。决定
An Indian or a Chinese dish? It’s ____you.
A.        agree with  B. decide to
B.        up to  D. to up

I don’t know the way to the supermarket, sir.
Don’t worry. Let me____ you the way there.
A.        take B bring C. show D. see.
show sb to some place

are made up
be + 动词过去分词
The classroom was cleaned by the students.

The bridge ___two years ago.
A.        built  B. was built  C. is built
I have to well prepare for the math test tomorrow because it_____30%of the final exam.
A.        sets up   B. puts up  C. uses up  D. makes up

1.        序数词后最高级用最高级
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
2.        one of…表示最。。之一,后形容词用最高级
He is one of the most popular teachers in our school.
3.        副词最高级前可不加the
He runs (the) fastest in our school.
Which one do you like(the) best?


Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?
News, educational, plan, hope, discussion, stand, happen, may, expect, joke, comedy, meaningless, action, cartoon, culture, famous, appear, become, rich, successful, might, main, reason, film, unlucky, lose, ready, character, simple, army
find out, soap opera, action movie, be ready to, dress up, take sb’s place, do a good job, hope to do sth, have a discussion, expect to do sth
1. Do you want to watch the news? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
2. What do you think of talk shows?
3. What can you expect to learn from the sitcoms?
4. Why do you like watching the news?
5. However, he was always ready to try his best.

What do you think of the book? = How do you like the book?
-What do you think of the new book?
A. I’d love to  B. I think so.  C. I love it.  D. That’s all right.

I don’t mind them.
1. mind作动词,”介意,在乎”,用于疑问句,否定句或条件句,后跟名词,代词,动名词或从句。
Would you mind making some room for the patient?
Do you mind if I call you later?
2. 作动词还可为“当心注意”
Mind the step!
1.        作名词,“头脑,想法,记性”
change one’s mind
make up one’s mind
Would you mind_____ the door?
A.        open  B. opens  C. opening  D. opened

1. vi 站立 2. vt忍受
It’s ____ hot. I can’t ___it.
A. also, stand  B. also; standing  C. too, standing   D. too, stand

happen vi
1.sth happen + 时间地点
The story happened in 2013.
2. sth happen to sb
A car accident happened to him this morning.
3. sb happen to do sth
I happen to meet him in the street.
Please give it to my wife if anything should_____
A.        to happen me B. happen with me C. to happen with D. happen to me.

vt期待 expect sth/ expect (sb) to do sth
We should not always expect gifts from parents.
I didn’t expect to meet you here.
He expected her to go with him.
She expects _____ Hong Kong next week.
A. to go to  B. her to go to C. going to  D. that going

be famous for
Hangzhou is famous for the west Lake.
Be famous as
Han Geng is famous as a singer.
Be well-known for
Be well-known as
-Look! What a beautiful hill!
-Yes, and it’s also famous____its old trees.
A. about B with C. by D. for

Be ready to do sth
Be ready for sth
Get ready for sth
I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow.
-Are you ____ there tomorrow?
-Of course.
A. ready for.  B. ready to go C. ready going D. ready to

Try one’s best (to do)  

Take one’s place=take the place of sb
The officer told Tom there was nobody_____
A. to take his place B. taking his place C. taking the place of him D to take place

1.用不定式作宾语的常见动词:want, like wish, hate, prefer, hope, continue, manage, try, ask, offer, learn, agree, expect, decide等
We have decided to go to Chengdu.
2.疑问词+ 不定式作宾语
We must decide whether to go or to stay.
No one could tell me where to get the book.

look, see, watch, notice辨析
look vi,强调动作
Look at the blackboard.
see 强调结果
How many birds can you see in the tree?
watch 专注看
How often do you watch the football match?
notice 注意到
He passed by me without noticing me.

hope& wish
hope+ 不定式或宾语从句,实现可能性大于wish
I hope to see the movie.
I hope you will like the show.
I wish you good luck.

may be & maybe
He may be fine now.
Maybe he will come, and maybe he won’t.

作者: 晓寒妈妈    时间: 2013-11-5 08:45
作者: 晋在眼前    时间: 2013-11-5 08:49
作者: 月亮之上410    时间: 2013-11-5 08:49
作者: 如果    时间: 2013-11-5 08:53
作者: may    时间: 2013-11-6 08:37
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: yanglichuan    时间: 2015-11-27 22:45

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