
标题: 英语口语100题(一) [打印本页]

作者: 荷塘月色陈    时间: 2014-11-21 09:59
标题: 英语口语100题(一)
1. What's your name ?(你叫什么名字?)                       
  (My name is .......)
2. Who gave it to you?(谁给你取的名字的?)                                 
  (My Mum/Dad/...gave it to me.)
3. I'm very glad to meet you. (我很高兴见到你。)                  
   (Glad to meet you, too.)
4. What can you do? (你会做什么?)                        
   (I can swim/sing/dance/play basketball...)
5. Can you jump like a rabbit? Do it, please.(你会像兔子一样跳吗?请跳吧!)         
   (Yes, I can.  Pleaselook.)
6. Can you sing an English song?(你会唱英文歌曲吗?)                    
  (Yes, I can./Sorry, I can’t.)
7. What can fly? What can swim?(什么东西会飞?什么东西会游泳?)   
   (A bird can fly and a plane can fly, too.  A duck can swim and I can swim, too.)
8. When is your birthday? (你的生日是什么时候?)
(My birthday is on February 10.)
9. Do you eat a birthday cake? (你吃生日蛋糕吗?)
(Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.)
10. What do you want to have on your birthday?(生日时想得到什么?)
(I want a hamburger/hot dog/......)
11. Do you have a big family?  (美式英语:你家里人多吗?)
(Yes, I do./No, I don’t.)
  Have you got a big family? (英式英语:你家里人多吗?)
  (Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.)
12. How many people are there in your family? (你家里几个人?)
(There are 3/4/5... people in myfamily.)
13. Do you have any brothers or sisters? (美式英语:你有兄弟或者姐妹吗?)
   (Yes, Ihave one brother and one sister./No, I don’t.)
  Have yougot any brothers or sisters? (英式英语:你有兄弟姐妹吗?)
   (Yes, I’ve got onebrother and one sister./No, I haven’t.)
14. How old are they? (他们多大了?)
(My brother/sister is .... years old.)
15. What does your mother do? (你母亲是做什么的?)
(She’s a doctor/nurse/civil servant...)
16. Is she very busy? (她很忙吗?)
    (Yes,she is/No, she isn’t.)
17. Do you like your family?  (你喜欢你的家人吗?)
   (Yes, I do.  I love them.)
18. Why or why not? (为什么喜欢或者为什么不喜欢呢?)
  (Because they love me, too.)
19. Do you often visit your grandparents? (你经常去看望爷爷奶奶吗?)
(Yes, I do./No, I don’t.)
20. What do your family often do on Sundays? (你家人周日常常做什么呢?)
(We often go shopping/go to the park/zoo...... together.)
21. What fruit do you like? (你喜欢什么水果呢?)
(I like apples/bananas/oranges/watermelons/...)
22. Do you like strawberries? (你喜欢草莓?)
(Yes, I do./No, I don’t.)
23. What fruit do you like best? (你最喜欢什么水果?)
(I like apples/oranges/peaches(桃子)/mangoes/... best.)
24. Do you often go to the supermarket with your mum? (你常常和妈妈一起去超市吗?)
(Yes, I do./No, I don’t.)
25. What fruit do you want to buy? (你想买什么水果呢?)
(I want to buy some apples/kiwifruits(猕猴桃)/pears/....)
26 . What sports do you like? (你喜欢什么运动?)
(I like basketball/football/swimming/ping-pong/....)
27. Do you like playing football/soccer? (你喜欢踢足球(英/美)吗?)
(Yes, I do./No, I don’t.)
28. How about baseball? (喜欢棒球吗?)
(I like/don’t like baseball.)
29. What time do you get up every day? (你每天几点起床?)
  (I getup at 7 o’clock every day. )
30. When do you go to school? (你几点上学?)
(I go to school at 8 o’clock.)
31. Do you like to have breakfast in the morning? (你早上喜欢吃早饭吗?)
(Yes, I do.)
32. What do you eat for breakfast?  (你早餐吃什么?)
(I eat an egg, a loaf of bread(一块面包)/...and a glass of milk/...for breakfast.)
33. Do you drink milk every day? (你每天喝牛奶吗?)
(Yes, I do./No, I don’t.)
34. What do you do after school? (放学后,你做些什么?)
(I play basketball/do my homework/watch TV...)
35. Do you wear a skirt/T-shirt in summer? (夏天你穿短裙/体恤衫吗?)
(Yes, I do./No, I don’t.)
36. How much is your skirt/T-shirt? (你的短裙/体恤衫多少钱?)
  (It’s  50/60/... yuan.)
37. Do you have a bedroom?  (你有卧室吗?)
(Yes, I do.)
38. Is there a desk in your bedroom? (你卧室里有书桌吗?)
(Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.)
39. Is the desk in front of your bed? (书桌在你的床的前面吗?)
(Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.  It’sbeside the bed (在床的旁边) .)
40. Is there a lamp in your bedroom? (你卧室里有一盏台灯吗?)
(Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. )
41. Is it on your desk? (台灯在你的书桌上吗?)
  (Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.)
42. Is there a computer in your bedroom? (你卧室里有电脑吗?)Where is it? (电脑在哪里呢?)
(Yes, there is.  It’s on the desk,too. ) (No, there isn’t.)
43. What can you play? (你会玩/演奏/...什么?)
  (I can playfootball/volleyball(排球)/the violin(小提琴)/thepiano(钢琴)/...)
44. Can you play the guitar? (你会弹吉他吗?)
(Yes, I can./No, I can’t.)
45. What can your friends play? (你朋友会玩/演奏/...什么?)
(My friend Tom can play football very well, while Sam can play computergames.)
46. What colour is your schoolbag? (你书包是什么颜色的?)
(It’s black/blue/green/...)
47. What do you have in your schoolbag? (你书包里有什么东西呢?)
(I have many books, a pencil, a pen, a ruler, an eraser, and ....)
48. Are there any candies in yourschoolbag? (你书包里有糖果吗?)
(No, there aren’t./Yes, there are.)
49. Do you have a notebook in your bag? (你书包里有一个笔记本吗?)
(Yes, I do./No, I don’t.)
50. Where do you live? (你住在哪里呢?)
  (I live inChengdu/Dujiangyan/Mianyang/...)

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