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发表于 2013-10-30 16:46:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Unit 1.
1. name’s=name is   名字是
2. I’m=I am   我是
3. she’s=she is  她是he’s=he is 他是 you’re =you are  你(你们)是 they’re=they are 他(她;它)们是 that’s=that is  那是 isn’t=is not   不是(单数形式)he’s not =he is not=he isn’t 他不是 what’s=what is   什么是 where’s=where is   在哪儿是 Let’s=Let us   让我们
4 .Nice to meet/ see you.  见到你很高兴
5 .how many + n(pl)   多少  how much + n.(u)  多少
6. family name   姓氏
7. given name    取名字
8 .telephone number =phone number   电话号码
9. ID card   身份证
10. Good morning    早上好
11. Good afternoon    下午好
12. Good night /evening .   晚上好
13. Sit down, please. =Have a seat, please.   请坐
14. That’s all right.  好;行;不用谢;没关系 That’s right . 对的、正确的 All right .好的,行,好吧
15. Not at all.=It’s a/my pleasure =That’s OK. =You’re welcome. =That’s all right.   不用谢
句型:1, What’s your name?
My name’s Jenny. / I’m Jenny. / Jenny.
May I have your name?
Yes, my name’s Jenny.
        What’s his/her name?  
His/Her name’s Tony/Gina.
      2, I’m Tony Brown.
        What’s your full name?
My full name/ It is Tony Brown.
My first name is Tony.
My last name/family name is Brown.
      3, What’s your/his/her telephone/phone number?
        It’s 555-3539.
语法:1,形容词性物主代词:my(我的) your(你的) his/her/its(他/她/它的)
                        our(我们的)  your(你们的)their(他们的)
       后面需要接名词,修饰名词,做前置定语。 在句中可作主语,宾语等成分。
        My book is here.     This is my book.
      2, 主格: I          you          he/she/ it
               we         you          they
        在句中做主语,一般放句首,后面紧跟 am/is/are 及其他动词。
        I’m a student.  She looks great.

Unit 2.
1. Excuse me. 打扰了。     
Is this / that your pencil? 这个 / 那个是你的铅笔吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.   是的,它是。/ 不,不是。
( 回答时常用it替代上文中的this和that )
2. This / That is my ruler.      这个 / 那个是我的尺子。
3. Please call Mary at 495-3539.( call sb at + 电话号码)
   请给Mary 打电话:495-3539.  Please call Mary. 请给Mary 打电话。   
Please call 495-3539. 请拨打495-3539.
1. pencil case   铅笔盒
2. pen pal =pen friend   笔友
3. Thank you. =Thanks . 谢谢你
4 .in English 用英语
5 .computer game(s)  电子游戏
6. Lost and Found  失物招领
7. a set of  一副;一套  a set of keys  一串钥匙
8. who’s=who is  谁是
9 .it’s=it is  它是
10. look at  朝…看
11 .ball-point pen   圆珠笔
12. call sb at+电话号码 打电话给某人
13. gold ring  金戒指
14.school ID card   校卡
15. See you later.=See you soon再见
句型:1, Is this your pencil?                Yes, it is.
      2, Is this my pen?                   No, it isn’t.
      3, Is that his book?                  Yes, it is.
      4, How do you spell it? = Can you spell it, please? = Spell it, please.
      5, Call Alan at 495-3539.
        Call me/him/her/them.  给我/他/她/他们打电话.
        Call 4953539  拨打4953539。
        Call sb. at + 电话号码   拨打……找某人
      6, Is that your computer game in the lost and found case?
      7, a set of keys  
        a set of + 名词复数
语法:1,句中含be(am, is, are)一般疑问句的变法: 把be提前,如果句中有my变your,I 变you,其他的照抄不变。肯定回答 yes, 主语+am/is/are    否定回答 No,主语+am not/aren’t/isn’t. 注意:回答时主语如果是物品单数或者this/that的话,用it替代主语,如果是复数人和物品用they替代。
     2, be动词的用法口诀;I am,  you are, is 他/她/它(he/she/it),单数is 复数are. Be动词跟随主语的变化而变化。
3单数和复数( 注意一致性)
Eg. This is my book. These are my books.
That is her friend. Those are her friends.
一般在名词后+S   ruler   rulers
以s sh ch x 等结尾+es  bus buses watch  watches
以辅音字母+y结尾  改y为 i + es study studies
以O 结尾+S 或es ( 奇数+S 偶数+es) zoos tomatoes
单、复数的形式一样  sheep
不规则 man men woman women  child  children
4,this  these that those  的用法

This is a book. That is a car.
These are books. Those are cars.
5, 失物招领的书写格式:

Unit 3.
1. This / That is my sister.  复数形式是:   These / Those are my sisters.
(this/ that的复数  分别是these / those)
2. It is a watch. 复数形式是:   They are some watches.  
(he / she / it 复数都是they)
3. Is he / Guo Peng your brother? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
   他 / 郭鹏是你的哥哥吗?   是的,他是。 / 不,他不是
4. Thanks for the photo of your family.感谢你寄来你的家庭照(全家福)。
  thanks = thank you;  the photo of your family = your family photo
5. Here is my family photo. 这儿是我的家庭照。
  Here are some books. 这儿有一些书。
There is a picture and three pencils on the desk.
There are many photos in the drawer.
(here / there 后的be动词单复数形式要以紧随其后的名词单复数来定)
1 .how old  几岁
2. Thanks for...+n./doing sth    为…而感谢
3 .very much=a lot 很;非常
4. pen friend  笔友
5. aren’t=are not 不是(复数形式)
6.isn’t=is not   不是 (单数)
7. the Great Wall   长城
8 .Thanks for your help  为了感谢你的帮助
9. in the picture   在图中
10. which one  哪一个
11. look at   朝…看
12. talk about  谈论关于
13. family photo  家庭照片
14. family tree   家谱
15. what about=how about  关于…怎么样
16. draw a picture    画画
17. a photo(picture) of  一张…的照片18.take photos (a photo)  拍照
句型:1,Is this your sister?  No, it isn’t.  Is she your sister? No, she isn’t.
      2,This is my friend.  These are my friends.
       That is my brother.  Those are my brothers.
      3, Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo.
       photo of your family = your family photo
语法:1可数名词单数变复数:一般情况下加s, book-books, 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加es
      watch-watches  以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y改为i再加es  boy- boys, family-families  以o结尾的有生命的加es, 无生命的加s, tomato-tomatoes, photo-photos
1)、This/That is (not) my sister / his  brother / Tom .
2)、These/Those  are (not) her  parents / friends .
1)、--Is this/that your father ?--Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.
2)、--Are these/those Jim’s friends ?--Yes,they are ./No,they aren’t.
3)、--Is he/she your brother/sister ?--Yes,he/she is ./No,he/she isn’t.
4)、--Are they your sister’s  friends?--Yes,they are./No,they aren’t.

Unit 4.
1. Where is my backpack?    我的背包在哪儿? Where are the books?      那些书在哪儿?
2. It’s / They’re in the drawer / under the bed / on the bookcase.
它 / 它们在抽屉里 / 床底下 / 书柜上。(注意主语和be动词照应)
3. Is it / Is the book / on the bed / in the backpack / under the desk?
Are they on the bed / in the backpack / under the desk?
它 / 这本书 / 它们在床上 / 背包里 / 桌子下吗?
4. Can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东西去学校吗?
5. take …to … 把…带到…   take…there   
  bring…to….把…带来      bring…here
Please take your sister to school. 请把你的妹妹带到学校。
Please bring your homework to our classroom. 请把你的作业带到我们教室来
bring 表从另一处带到这儿。take 表从这儿带到另一处。方向正好相反。
1. next to   在…旁边
2. don’t=do not 助动词否定形式
3. Goodbye.= Bye-bye 再见
4. behind the computer 在电脑后面  
5 .write down  写下;记下
6. I’m sorry  对不起
7 .alarm clock  闹钟
8.video tape 录像带
9. soccer ball  英式足球
10. school bag  书包
11. in the backpack   在书包里
12 .under the bed 在床下
13 .on the chair  在椅子上
14. on the dresser  在梳妆台上
15. take sth to…(there/him/+地点)  把…带去
16 .bring sth to …(here/me/+地点) 把…带来
17. the math book  这本数学书
句型:Where’s the baseball?           It’s in the backpack.
       Where’s my computer game?      It’s under the bed.
       Where are his keys?             They’re on the dresser.
       Where are your books?           They’re on the chair.
       Where are her keys?             They’re on the table.
       Where are you?                 I’m at school.
       Is it on the dresser?              No, it isn’t.
       Please take these things to your sister.
       Can you bring some things to school?
       The book is on the floor.
语法: 1表示地点或位置的介词
1) in : 大家好!我是介词in,我性格内向,非常害羞,总爱躲在某个物体的里面
2) on :Hi, everyone!我是介词on, 我最喜欢和某一物体的表面 “亲密接触”。
3) under : Hello!我是介词on 的弟弟under,我常与on 唱反调,喜欢待在某物的下面。
4) behind 表示“在......后面”,常指一个物体在另一个物体的后面。
5) next to 紧挨着;在......旁边:与......邻接
6) between 表示“在两者之间”,通常与and连用
7) near表示“在......附近”
2,询问人或物品在哪里,我们用Where, 结构为 where+is/are+人/物品名称? “……在哪里” 回答用 主语+is/are +in/at/under/on/near +地点
注意:表示“在……地方”地点前要用定冠词the 或者形容词性物主代词my/your/his/their修饰,但是两者不能同时出现,我们可以说in the room, in my room 但是绝对不可以in the my room.
1、--Where is your pencil ?--It’s on the desk / in the backpack/ under the chair .
2、--Where are my books ?--They’re in the drawer / on the dresser.
1、The basketball is(not)under the table .Her skirt is(not)on the bed .
2、The keys are(not)in the drawer .My shoes are(not)under the bed .
1、--Is his eraser in the pencil case ?--Yes,it is ./ No,it isn’t .
2、--Are her socks in the bag ?- -Yes,they  are ./ No,they  aren’t .
( where is=where’s, where与are不缩写)
Eg1) Where’s my backpack? It’s under the table.
(2)Where are your books? They’re on the sofa.
(3)Where is the computer game? It’s under the bed.
(4)Where are his/ her keys? They’re in the drawer.
(5)A: Where’s the alarm clock?
B: I don’t know. Is it on the dresser?
A: Yes, it is./NO, it isn’t.
(1)表示能力  “会,能”
eg:--Can  you / he / she / they  play  tennis ?
--Yes,I / he / she / they  can .
---No, I / he / she / they  can’t.
(2)表示有礼貌地征询对方意见或许可  “你能…吗?”
eg:--Can you bring some things to school ?
--Sure/Certainly/Of course.(肯定回答)
---Sorry,I can’t.(婉言拒绝)
词语用法:1, take  v.带走, 把人或物品带到别的地方去,take … to…  把……带到……去
        2  bring  v.带来,把人或物品从别的地方带到说话的地方来 bring…to… 把……带到……来   
         2,please 后接动词用原形。

Unit 5.
1. Do you have a soccer ball? 你有一个足球吗?  Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Does she have a tennis racket? 她有一个网球拍吗?Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
   (谓语是实义动词的时候,疑问句形式:do / does 提前到主语前,主语后面的动词用原形)
2. I don’t have a soccer ball. 我没有一个足球。
She doesn’t have a volleyball. 她没有排球。
(谓语是实义动词的时候,否定形式:do /does +not + 动词原形)
3. Let me / us play soccer. 让我/ 我们踢足球吧。(let后面的动词用原形)
4. That sounds good / great / interesting / boring.
那听起来不错 /好极了 /有趣 /无聊。(that指代上文之事)
5. I / We / They / You / The kids have 8 baseballs. 我 / 我们 / 他们 / 孩子们有8个棒球。
    She / He / My brother / The boy has 8 baseballs. 她 /他 /我哥哥 /那个男孩有8个棒球。
1. tennis racket   网球拍
2. baseball bat棒球球拍
3 .doesn’t=does not  助动词否定形式
4. watch TV 看电视
5. have /play sports  做运动
6. a good idea   一个好主意
7. every day/morning/Sunday/… 每天/每个早上/星期天…
8. watch a game(s) 看比赛/游戏
9. like doing 喜欢做某事(习惯爱好)
10. like to do 喜欢做某事(特定时间)
11.want to do sth  想做某事
12. That sounds interesting 那听起来很有趣
13. a great collection  一个伟大的收藏
14. be interested in sth=take an interest in  对…感兴趣
15 .You’re welcome .不用谢
16. welcome to+地点   欢迎来某地
17. go and find=go to find  去找到     
18.ping-pong / soccer / tennis ball 乒乓球/ 足球/ 网球(指物品)
19.play tennis /basketball /baseball /ping-pong /volleyball /soccer /football “打…,踢…”(指运动)
20.play computer games 打电脑游戏  21.on TV 在电视上(通过电视)  
句型: Do you have a TV?        Yes, I do/No, I don’t.
     Do they have a computer?    Yes, they do./No, they don’t.
     Does he have a tennis racket?   Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.
     Does she have a soccer ball?    Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t.
     Does he have a ping-pang ball?   Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.
     Let’s play soccer.    Let me help you.
     I don’t have a soccer ball.  That sounds good.
语法:1,句中不含be(am, is, are)动词的 一般疑问句的变法。 也就是说句中谓语动词是实义动词时,要变为一般疑问句,在句首加do/does(当主语是第三人称单数的时候用does),第一人称变第二人称,动词变原形其他的语序不变。I have a computer. – Do you have a computer?  She likes playing ping-pang.- Does she like playing ping-pang.肯定回答用yes, 主语+do/does.否定回答用No,主语+don’t/doesn’t.
      2一般句子中当主语是第三人称单数的时候,谓语动词要起变化。具体的变化为:一般情况加s, know-knows, 以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的加es, teach-teaches, go-goes, 以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i, 再加es  study-studies
        3,do/does 叫做助动词(语法需要加上去翻译部出来的动词)时,后面接动词原形,
         Does he like reading?  She doesn’t like reading. She doesn’t do her homework.
         She does her homework.
        4,have的第三人称单数为 has.
        5, let sb do sth 让某人做某事 (sb代表人,如果是代词用宾格,do代表动词原形)
        6,play+球类 表示“踢,打,玩......” play football
           play+the+乐器 表示“弹奏……乐器” play the piano
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