
发布时间:2017-03-24      责编:本站      浏览:       来源:       复制链接



2017-03-23 大中报记者南茜 大中生活



Academics -- the only aspect of education?



Should university be the only pathway for students to besuccessful, have a better future, and secure a decent living in Canada? For many Chinese Canadian parents, the answer is “yes”, and the prospect thattheir children won’t make it into university is unfathomable.


According to TDSB Census Portraits -- a study based onstudent and parent Census -- 85% of East Asian parents expect their high schoolchildren to attend university, compared with the TDSB average of 67%.


The personal journey of Chinese Canadian parents has provedtheir beliefs. In China, ‘Gaokao’ provides its “winners” with jobopportunities, decent salaries, and a stronger social status, whereas its“losers” are prone to unemployment, poverty, and a gloomy future.



“Education is a main purpose that we came to Canada for,”says one Chinese parent. “Except university, I don’t think there are any otherways for my children to secure a better living here.”


Some Chinese parents believe that they face discriminationas a member of ethnic group, thus, they view academic success as the onlygateway to gain social status in Canada.


“As Chinese immigrants, we are the minority race andencounter social barriers and discrimination. Only through hardworking anduniversity can we change our social status.”

That belief and motivation has turned many Chinese highschool students into academic high achievers. According to the TDSB, childrenof East Asian descent not only out-perform other ethnic groups in standardizedtests, but also maintain the highest graduation and university enrolment rates.


The TDSB Census Portraits indicate that in the 2007/2008school year, the proportion of Chinese students reaching the provincialstandards of grade 6 reading, writing, and math are substantially higher thanthe school board’s average. According to another related study, in 2006, 73.2%of Chinese students who entered TDSB high schools were accepted intouniversities, compared with 45.3% of Whites, 24.2% of Blacks, and 22.9% ofLatinos.  

Believing that “superior grades” in high school would resultin a successful career, many Asian students are aspiring doctors, lawyers,engineers, and entrepreneurs. However, some studies indicate that Asianprofessionals appear to be disinterested in mainstream society and lack theinitiative to integrate themselves into the workforce—some are even perceivedas ‘un-Canadian’. As such, Asians are often underrepresented in seniorcorporate positions.

Raymond Friedman, author of “Return on Education forAsians”, found that Asians are less likely to become an influential figure inthe workplace or take leadership positions, despite their higher level ofeducation.







在Vanderbilt大学Owen Graduate School学院任教授的 Friedman曾早期向《大中报》表示,他的研究所涉及的,有些为第二代移民的华裔专业人士在政治上看似不成熟,不懂得与公司高管和其他员工加建立良好的社会关系。
Friedman, a professor at the Owen Graduate School ofManagement at Vanderbilt University, told Chinese News in an earlier interviewthat Chinese professionals in his study – some even being second generationimmigrants – appeared to be politically naïve and unmotivated in establishingsocial networks with executives and colleagues in the workplace.


“Asians don’t realize that they have to combine educationwith the efforts of promoting themselves in the workplace,” said Friedman.“I’ve found that Chinese employees tend to hang out with people in their owncommunity… They should spend more time trying to sell their ideas to other teammembers, and to express their opinions in public settings.”


The social problems with Asian professionals in Friedman’sstudy can be traced to their schooling years. Despite their high academicachievements, Chinese students lag far behind other ethnic groups in developingpersonal and social skills.

According to the TDSB Census Portraits, East Asian studentsseem to feel inadequate and have lower self-esteem. They tend to be less activein class discussions and school activities.









Maria Yau, one of the lead researchers of the TDBS Censusstudy, indicates that her 25-years of research have found that quite a fewAsian students expressed a lack of confidence in competency and social skills,despite their better grades.


According to the study, a significant lower proportion ofGr.9-12 Chinese students viewed their own abilities in communication, socialskills, problem-solving, and leadership as “good” or “excellent”. Forinstances, only 36% Chinese students reported that they have “good” or“excellent” leadership abilities, compared with the TDSB average of 67%.


The study also indicates that Chinese students have a lowerclass participation rate (50%), compared with the TDSB average (62%), and thatthe rate of Chinese students speaking or raising questions in class issubstantially lower as well.



“Leadership demands all-around skills that include strongsocial, personal, and communication skills,” says Yau. “Leaders may not havethe highest school marks, but they possess personal traits that allow them toconnect well with others.”


Influenced by a cculture that deems not attending universityas a social suicide, East Asian students are often too caught up with academicsto realize the importance of the other aspects of education, such asleadership, social skills, and emotional well-being. Some are forced down thenarrow pathway of university by their parents, and are even made to embark on acareer that is not of their own interest.


美国UCDavis 大学教授Norman Matloff表示:“华裔移民家长的最大误区在于他们过分强调纸上分数,而忽略了他们的语言能力和个性发展。”
“One of the biggest mistakes Chinese immigrant parents makein guiding their kids toward an eventual career is relying on paper credentialsrather than verbal abilities and personality,” said Norman Matloff, professorat UC Davis.


“Compared to other cultural groups, East Asian parents aremuch more likely to believe that university is the only pathway leading tosuccess, and are much less likely to consider multiple pathways according totheir children’s personal talents and interests,” says Yau. “If someone doesnot enjoy their job or what they are doing, they tend to be unhappy and feelless fulfilled in life. “


Note 1: The story was published in Chinese News in July,2012.




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